Thursday, 3 April 2014

Handle with care!

"...there was a time when i could smile without any conditions; an unconditional smile.

....there was a time when i could visit a park and swing on the swing without any conflicts plaguing my mind; a conflict-less mind.

....there was a time when i would not just care for the world and just pass cards on the 1st of every year, take an opportunity to cherish life with colors on Holi, crackers in Diwali and a well-lit Christmas tree on the 25th of December; a care-free 'life-holic.'

But times changed and I am no exception.
I am just another you.
I too have been a victim of evolution and growth. I too, can no more be a kid unless i pretend to be one.

I'm 19 now, at the margin of my teenage life and i, like all of you, have a lot to carry forward from these 7 years (13-19). But yes, this time :

with conditions,
with conflicts,
with a tag floating right in-front of my eyes-

"This side up.Handle with care!"

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The door of life : stepping out of the room !

[I'm not using poems here. They are just lines. Lines that i think, are necessary to season the writing and bring the flavour to the last line. I hope you feel them. ]

     “Every moment is a curse, every curse is a disaster,
       Every disaster is an end, and every end is a new beginning.”

So many words to say, too little to write; still I managed to put my fingers on the keyboard and go ahead with a few lines.

                 “Every moment is a picture, every picture is an expression,
                   Every expression has a meaning and every meaning is a truth.”

Searching for the truth is one of the most tiring yet interesting jobs a person can afford to do. While lazy and patient hermits sit cross-legged, eyelids shut lips moving apparently in search of the divine, the truth;
yet some find it in the silliest of places.
                 “Every room has a corner, every corner starts a wall,
                   Every wall has an edge and the edge leads to the door.”

…a door that opens up to a thousand opportunities. The individual crosses the door only to find a million more of them, only to confuse himself, only to choke his arteries, and increase his pulse.
You step through the correct one, you still have a million more in-front of you. Step through a wrong one and you end up in darkness.
That’s the fallacy of the room- the room of life.

With expectations,

Thursday, 2 January 2014

The Nature and Its Nurture !

Society is one topic that never adheres from amusing you. The vast number of individuals, the instincts that each of them present, the way they speak, walk, dress etc., everything says something or the other about their psychologies and quite interestingly, this aspect is more random than you can ever estimate.    Nature and nurture are just two concepts that seem to be quite intimately connected, yet they are not. Nature is just natural. Nurture, on the other hand, is ‘natural’ artificiality. [I will explain what I mean by this term a while later but first, let’s clarify nature.] According to a dictionary, nature is defined as- “the natural world; consisting of all things unaffected by predating human technology, production and design.” Pretty simple a definition, all it suggests is that there are certain elements in the society or the universe (if viewed from a larger perspective) that are imminent, that are obvious, that are a part of our creation and those that exist, irrespective of our existence. What we mean by ‘elements of nature’ is just this and no matter how much we read or write about it, try to mould and change it, we just cannot end in success.

[A point to be noted here is that by nature we may consider two separate viewpoints i.e. one that is a part of this universe as defined moments ago, the other being our composure of situations, our instincts and reactions, often referred to as ‘attitude’. Now attitude is a different story altogether but if I shorten my descriptions we will observe that attitude is not really natural but a vague result of nurture. So we may not consider the other definition of nature here in the description of nature.]

Nurture is a separate concept [as told earlier] but it can be derived from nature. Let’s put is this way- Nature is actually Nurtured and nurture leads us to our attitude.
By this statement, all I’m trying to convey is that nurture is something that we don’t inherit, something that’s not obvious but very random.

The human mind is built in such a way that right from childhood, we learn to think and nurture topics on our own. Some conceptions are created by our elders, some are that we discover on our own and some are just accepted by us the way they are. All these conceptions fall under Nurture.
Let us get one thing clear. The concept of nurture is interwoven with nature but unlike nature, nurtured articles, conceptions etc. exist because we make them existent in the way we choose. Now, coming to the question of importance, I would be biased towards nurture a bit more than nature. I believe that when we have plural options, we always have an alternative to our choice. This is the reason of the bias. Nurture provides us with a series of options we can choose from even when we have chosen one. Let us consider a set of individuals who’ve chosen the wrong concepts for an element. Nurture provides this set of individuals a second chance and assuming that they take up the initiative of choosing the better option, the society can well be a better place….. I’m sure of it…


Vishal Ghosh